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A globe with purple gradient borders around it. A bubble pointing to the globe says, "+86 currencies." In the right-hand side is a list of sample supported currencies: KRW, SAR, TWD, HKD, SGD, QAR, AED, KWD, and ...

Plane now supports 100+ currencies

We added 86 new currencies to our platform, which means you can choose from 138 currencies to pay contractors & vendors.

Unified Payroll hero image with blocks that say "Unified Payroll," "US Payroll," "EOR," "Global Contractors," and "HRIS"

Unified Payroll is fully launched!Unified Payroll is fully launched!

New customers now have access to Unified Payroll, as well as new HRIS features, onboarding enhancements, and vendor management.

Checklist: How to Evaluate a Potential Payroll ProviderChecklist: How to Evaluate a Potential Payroll Provider

It's important to do your due diligence when determining whether a payroll provider is right for you.

A sample of the badges that Pilot achieved for Summer 2023, with Leader Summer 2023 in the center, surrounded by Best Results, Leader for Small Businesses, Best Results for Small Businesses, Easiest Setup for Small Businesses, Highest User Adoption, Best Usability, Best Relationship, and Momentum Leader

G2 Summer Report: Plane achieves Best Support, Best Usability & More

Plane was recognized with dozens of badges in G2's Summer 2023 Report.

The Plane logo on a purple background

Pilot is now Plane!Pilot is now Plane!

We've changed our name to Plane. Plus, more big changes ahead.

A screenshot of the Charge details page, showing a list of pending and paid charges.

A Redesigned Payments ExperienceA Redesigned Payments Experience

Employers can see detailed pages for each payment, new Charges and Refunds pages, and more. Workers can also view more payments details than before.

An image showing a sample of the badges Pilot received. Leader is the largest badge shown, and it's surrounded by Most Implementable, Best Relationship, Best Estimated ROI, Best Usability, Best Results, Easiest Setup, High Performer, and Easiest Admin

More wins than ever for Pilot in G2's Spring 2023 Report

Pilot achieves 38(!) badges and is recognized as a leader in Multi-Country Payroll Software for the sixth consecutive time.

Remote salary guide blog image featuring Alex Wilson-Campbell, Kristen Shroff, Sondre Rasch, and Georgie Roberts

How to Choose a Remote Pay Strategy: The Complete GuideHow to Choose a Remote Pay Strategy: The Complete Guide

Learn how to pay your remote team with Plane's new guide on remote work compensation, featuring insights from remote work experts (and different pay strategies!)

Image of a "Full-Stack Engineer" job search, with salary results around it from different countries

Introducing Plane's Remote Compensation ToolIntroducing Plane's Remote Compensation Tool

Search for remote salary data around the world by job title and location.

Unified Payroll hero image with blocks that say "Unified Payroll," "US Payroll," "EOR," "Global Contractors," and "HRIS"

Meet Pilot's Unified PayrollMeet Pilot's Unified Payroll

You can now hire, onboard, and pay your US and global contractors and employees with Pilot.

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