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Germany 🇩🇪

Congratulations on your decision to hire employees in Germany! Germany is known for its strong vocational education system, which trains workers in a wide range of technical and practical skills. This system produces workers that are highly skilled, making them invaluable to companies looking for specific skill sets. Plane makes this process easy for you by providing automated tax document collection, payroll, benefits, and more. This ensures compliance and efficiency throughout the process. Navigating the hiring process in a new country can be challenging, so we've compiled the details below to help guide you.

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3 - 4 weeks
Employer Cost
Pay Frequency
Public Holidays
5 Considerations Before Hiring in Germany
As an employer in Germany, it is important to have a comprehensive employment contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the employment relationship. The contract should include compensation, benefits, vacation time, and sick leave policies. Before onboarding a new employee in Germany, take a moment to consider the following questions:
Does your employee have the right to work in Germany?
How do pensions work in Germany?
Will there be a probationary period? If so, for how long?
Would you like to offer additional incentives?
How many days of paid time off will be provided?
3 - 4 weeks
Employer Cost
Pay Frequency
Public Holidays

Hire CalculatorHire Calculator

You can estimate how much it will cost to employ your next hire in Germany using Plane's Hire Calculator.

Calculation for:Lead Engineer
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Tell us about your employee.
Enter details about your hire to get an estimated employment cost, including taxes.
I want to hire someone in
With an annually salary of
Annual cost of employment*


*rates for: 27 December, 2024
Employer Tax Rates
You can estimate how much it will cost to employ your next hire in Germany using Plane's Hire Calculator.
Once you have sorted out the details mentioned above, you can add the employee to the Plane platform. We provide a step-by-step workflow that shows what tasks need to be completed, as well as real-time updates and notifications. This way, you can stay on top of the hiring process at all times. With Plane, you can confidently hire, knowing that you have a powerful platform at your disposal to manage the entire process from start to finish. Here are the instructions for adding a new employee to the platform:
How to hire and onboard an employee
Plane offers a guided process for administrators and managers to hire and onboard their new employees.
Learn more
Hiring an employee in a new country can be a complex process, but with the right guidance and resources, it can be a smooth and successful transition. At Plane, we're committed to helping you navigate the process of hiring an employee in Germany. We'll keep you informed and up-to-date with the latest regulations and employment laws.Good luck with your new hire, and welcome to Germany!
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the answers to some common questions about hiring employees in Germany with Plane:
What is the relationship between my company and Plane?
Can Plane withhold taxes for non-cash compensation (e.g. stocks, options)?
Will I be able to pay a bonus, commission, or any other additional payments?
Can Plane guarantee the employee’s start date?
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